Hi, everyone.Welcome to In the Clinic with Camille.
Well, I had such high hopes for putting
out an episode every single weekand then the Corona virus hit.
And I'm just barely keeping my little head
above water with work and kidsand my clients and so forth.
So have not been ableto record very many episodes.
But I did promise some of you
an episode about making violet syrupsince the violets are still out.
At least where I am in Virginia.
And for those of you who are in
more Northern climates, they'llprobably be out for quite some time.
I wanted to share a littlebit about how this works.
If you have ever tried it before.
So violet syrupis made out of just the violet,
the violet flowers themselves, and ittakes quite a while to harvest enough.
You have to have a good chunk of time
outside or some willing helpersto help you with the harvest.
And of course,
you want to pick them from areas that havenot been sprayed and so forth.
So what you do is you go out and you just
start picking the flowerparts of the violet.
Now, most people already know what Violetis and what it looks like.
But if you're not sure,you certainly want to look it up and make
sure you are properlyidentifying the violet.
There's a bunch of different species.
Doesn't particularly matter what speciesyou have, although in my opinion, the more
the more of a lovely odor your violetshave, the better the syrup is going to be.
So if you have several types of violetin your yard, you may want to do a little
sniff test and see which ones you likethe smell of best and go for those.
It is fine to use any of the wild violets,
though, that you can find around as longas you're sure that that's what they are.
All right.So go ahead.
Pick a whole bunch of violets.
I usually for if I'm just making a batchof violet syrup for my family,
personal use,I will try to gather something
in the range of two to three cups worth. Iusually take out
a Mason jar and just put them in there.
Try to leave as much of the green behindas you can and just get the purple part.
So for the best violet syrup,in my opinion, you do not want the calix,
which is that green partat the base of the flower.
And you don't want the stems,you only want the purple petals and they
will turn a little greenat the base as well.
So try to focus on those and fillup about two to three cups.
Now, when you get them back inside,
if you are worried that,you know, your pets have been
urinating on them, et cetera,you may want to give them a little rinse.
And if there is any green left on there,you might need to remove the calix,
might need to remove somestems and leaves and so forth.
You can leave them in,but your color won't be as pretty.
So if you don't care about the color.
Feel free to go the easy route and just
leave a few stems and the calix,the calices on there.
Right.So now you've got two to three cups.
It'll probably shrink down a little bitonce you get that green out of there.
So maybe one and a half cups
of violet flowers petals and the next thingyou're going to do is boil some water.
Filtered or distilled is good.
If you have hard water,it can affect the color.
So do what you can do there.
If you if that's all you'vegot and that's what you got.
Go for it.Boil the water.
Let it cool a little bit.
You don't want it to be actually boiling,but just let it cool a little bit
and then go ahead and pourit over your violet flowers.
I will usually if I put them in a mason
jar, I will try to coverthem plus an inch or two.
That's kind of what I do.
I just eyeball it and then you're goingto cover it with a piece of cloth.
The teapot lid, whatever you want to do,
cover it up with somethingand leave it for 24 hours.
Just let it sit there, going to see thecolors start to change right away.
It's really pretty.It's nice for kids to come and check on it
every now and thenand then after it's set for at least
overnight, but ideally for a full day,then what you're going to do is strain it.
You can strain, you know,strain it with just a regular sieve.
If you have something more fine.
That would be great.
And then measure how much liquid you have.
Cause you're gonna discard
the leftover flowers and just workwith the liquid at this point.
So measure how much you haveand then whatever that amount is.
Either one and a half or double it and
Add that much sugar.
So if you wind up with a cup of liquid,
you either want one and a half cupsof sugar or two cups of sugar.
I find that it's better to just gowith a regular old white sugar here.
This is not the most nutritious recipe,
by the way, although it's lovely and Ithink that's nutritious for the heart.
So anyway, one and a half to two times
the amount of sugar in it, add bothof those things to a pot over a stove.
You heat it over really,really, really low heat.
Like really low heat.
OK, just very gently heat it and youstir it until the sugar dissolves.
You don't want it to boil.
It will affect the colouronce the sugar has all dissolved.
Give it a few more good stirsjust to make double sure.
And go ahead and remove it from the heat.
Now, if you want to make the color more
vibrant, you can adda little bit of lemon to it.
You can also add a single blueberry.
A frozen blueberry or two.
And that will deepenthe color a little bit.
You would then just take it out afterfive or 10 minutes.
But those are some options that you can
you can use to deepenor brighten the color.
It's going to be really, really pretty.
At this point,
what's that's done,you let it sit there until it's cool
and then you can put a lid on itand keep it in the fridge.
It'll keep for anywhere between two
and six months, depending on howmuch sugar you used and so forth.
And now you have this beautiful,beautiful syrup that you can use.
Now, you may be asking,what am I going to do with this, Camille?
Like, is that it's not a particularlyhealthy preparation in terms of its sugar
content, but it is so beautiful,the smell of it.
Just just take a little whiff of it before
you put it away, because it's trulydelicate, exquisite and gorgeous.
What you can do with thissyrup is are many things.
One, you can use it like youwould any other kind of syrup.
So you can drizzle a teeny little bit ona super high quality vanilla ice cream.
It's very pretty.Very tasty.
You can put a little bit on yourpancakes or your waffles.
That's a really nice thing to do,especially if you've garnished them
with some violet flowers or nasturtiumflowers later in the season and so forth.
So that's something that you can do.
You can make fancy beverages out of it.
You can add a little bit to your tea if
you need a little sweetener, dependingon what kind of tea, the nervines.
I find that the violet syrupis nice and calming, relaxing.
You can add it to either icetea or hot tea as a sweetener.
You can add it to baked goods to get
a little bit of extra flavor whenyou're mixing up your dough.
You can make an alcoholicbeverage out of it.
My favorite alcoholic beverage out of this
is to do about an ounce of gin,an ounce and a half, two
If you're really goin for it,the time of the virus.
So add some gin,add about half a lemon to a whole lemon.
I like sour, soI go with the whole lemon.
And then I will add anywhere between halfa teaspoon sorry, half a tablespoon to two
tablespoons of the violet syrupand fill the rest with a sparkling water.
And then I garnish it with a littlemint or a little lemon balm.
And that makes a truly beautifullight lavender, refreshing beverage.
That's really nice, and it also pairswell with anything vanilla flavor.
So if you have a vanilla vodka or
any other type of vanilla drink,it will go nicely with that as well.
OK.So I think those are OK.
The other thing you can do with it that's
really, really beautiful is you can adda little bit of it to fresh cream and whip
it to make a lavender whipped cream,which is really nice for dipping things
and like strawberries, which arecoming into season where I live.
And you can also add it to icing on cakes.
So if you were making like a wild foraged
cake of some sort and you wanted to makeand cream cheese icing or a
coconut manna icing or something like
that, you can add a little bitof lavender syrup to tint it.
And again, if you want to add the flavor I'm sorry,
the color more intense,you can also add a little bit
of blueberry, which would giveit that more of that blue color.
And that's another thingyou could do as well.
So that's what I have for youabout making lavender syrup.
When would you use it medicinally?
In my opinion, you would use itmedicinally for lifting the spirits,
which I think is what we need right now.
It's a fun project to do.
It's something that you can spend quitea lot of time picking your violets.
You can make it and leave it for gifts as
your neighbors with someinstructions if you like.
And hopefully that'll bea fun project for y'all.
I will be back with more directlyrelevant clinical information soon.
Hopefully very, very soon,hopefully next week.
If you have any questions, requests, etc,
please let me know and I wouldlove to answer your questions.
All right.Take care, everybody.
Stay safe.