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79 | Navigating Insurance as a Clinical Herbalist

In response to a listener question, Camille shares her thoughts on insurance options for clinical herbalists. While there are no comprehensive plans that specifically cover all aspects of what an herbalist often does (making/selling products, clinical consults, teaching classes, etc), some coverage is likely better than no coverage. Your decision about whether to get insurance as a clinical herbalist likely comes down to how comfortable you are with risk, your financial situation, and the types of services/products you offer. 

You can learn more about Alternative Balance (referral link), which is the insurance product that Camille uses.  

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Camille's Helpful Links for Practitioners


00:03 - Welcome to In the Clinic

00:49 - Insurance for Herbal Practitioners

04:43 - Types of Insurance Explained

07:10 - Deciding on Insurance Coverage

09:00 - Recommendations for Practitioners

11:12 - Closing Thoughts and Invitation



00:00:00.017 --> 00:00:03.217
Hi there, welcome to In the Clinic with Camille. My name is Camille Freeman.

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I'm an herbalist and nutritionist, and in this podcast, I share little tips

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and tidbits that might be helpful for other practitioners.

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So today, I'm going to answer a question that was submitted anonymously.

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And before I do that, I just want to remind you that if you have a question

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that's been on your mind, something you'd like me to address, I would love to do that.

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You can go to and submit a question through the form there,

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or you're welcome to email me, and I would be more than happy to share my thoughts

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on whatever's happening on your mind.

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And I'm happy to keep you anonymous if that is your preference.

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So, today I have a question that was submitted actually quite a while ago from

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somebody, and I recorded a full episode a few weeks back, and unfortunately,

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right before I recorded it, apparently, my headset died.

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Silent but deadly death and anyway

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just threw a monkey wrench in the whole thing so

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finally i'm ready to re-record so

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here we are take two i'm hoping this one will will come through let me read

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you the question so here's what this person writes from my herb schools business

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class and from talking to other practitioners i've gotten the impression that

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there isn't very good insurance for herbalists no herbal practitioners i know

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have insurance and it feels like a bit of we're holding our breath and hoping we won't get sued.

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We were taught to have very thorough informed consent and to be very clear about our scope.

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So they're just wondering if I could chat a little bit more about reflections on this.

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So yes, now before I do, let me just be really clear that I am not a lawyer.

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I'm not an insurance professional. I'm just a practitioner who has looked into

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this myself and worked with other people who've done the same.

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So I need you to take this as one perspective and please do your due diligence

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in how this applies to you, if it applies to you, and what options are available to you.

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So that being said, I want to first clarify what we mean by insurance.

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There are actually lots of different types of insurance that might be relevant

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to you as a herbal practitioner.

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What I'm going to very specifically be focusing on is things that are relevant

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to clinical herbalists.

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There are people who, of course, are making products either for public consumption

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like farmers market sales or health food store sales, as well as,

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you know, extracts, formulas, that sort of thing for clients.

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That is outside of my scope. As far as I know, none of these policies are relevant to product sales.

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And that is much more challenging to find insurance for.

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So again, to be super clear, I'm talking about the clinical component of the

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work that many of us do. Now.

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The types of insurance, again, I'm just going to do a loose overview of some

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of the most common types that might be relevant to us.

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There's more. But one of them is general liability.

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And this applies not just to herbalists, but anyone who has a business might

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consider general liability.

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And this is things like somebody comes to your premises and they slip and fall,

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or something happens to them while they're there, or you rent a facility to

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have a class in and it gets damaged somehow.

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You accidentally break the air conditioning or I don't know,

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whatever, something like that. General liability insurance would hopefully cover that.

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There's also professional liability insurance. This is what is also sometimes

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known as errors and omissions insurance.

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And this relates to the specific job you have been trained to do.

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So in our case as herbalists, that might mean you recommended a formula to somebody

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and they felt that it made them worse, that damage happened because of it,

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or you failed to highlight a safety issue related to something that they were taking,

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something along those lines, that would be errors and omissions.

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And that should fall under professional liability.

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There's also other types of insurance, such as participant accident insurance.

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And this is when you're teaching a class and maybe somebody slices their finger

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open when you're cutting up garlic

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or the billboard falls on their head or whatever, that sort of thing.

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There is business interruption insurance, such as you're bopping along,

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making money to support you, and you break your leg and you're not able to get to work for a while,

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or that's whatever, these types of things.

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So those are just some of the options that are available.

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Most of us are probably most interested in professional liability insurance.

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And professional liability insurance as an herbalist is hard to come by because

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we are not a regulated profession.

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There are only two companies that I know of that explicitly offer herbal insurance in this way.

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One of them is alternative balance, and one of them is, I believe,

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the American Acupuncture Council still offers this.

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That is a policy that used to be recommended by the American Herbalist Guild.

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There may be others that I'm not aware of, but as of right now,

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these are the only two that I'm familiar with.

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Okay, so how do you decide should you buy one of these?

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Is it worth it to you?

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The first thing that I recommend doing if you are planning to buy any kind of

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insurance is ask for a copy of the policy, not the sales copy on the website,

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or what they say, but the policy itself and read through it.

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They're long, they're kind of complicated to understand sometimes, but it is worth it.

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I personally have Alternative Balance. I have read through the policy,

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and it is a little bit opaque.

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And I'll just tell you, I'll walk you through how I decided to purchase it.

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So the first thing to me is trying to figure out what exactly it covers.

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The policy itself does not mention a ton of specifics about herbs.

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It is professional liability coverage specifically for herbs.

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Herbal practitioners. It says herbal consultations. So I have to assume that

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at least some herbal consultation work would be covered.

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I don't actually feel super confident about the extreme scope of what is included.

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However, I decided to buy it anyway for a variety of reasons.

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One of the things I really, as I was reading through this, and actually other

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policies I thought in the past

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is that they're all very clear that you absolutely may not treat warts.

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I don't know what is so specific about warts, but please, if you have insurance,

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do not. Don't do that. It's not covered.

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It's very... Anyway, I'll have to look into why that is, but every single policy

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I've ever read is like, that's the one thing.

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Don't do that. Okay. Anyway,

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I decided to get it anyway, because to me, the policy that is offered has both

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general and professional liability as well as business interruption coverage.

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And to me, those three things combined are worth the annual price that I'm paying

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in case something were to happen.

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I feel like if nothing else that I would have the possibility of receiving some

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reimbursement for legal fees, some support, you know, some support if I were

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to get sued and that sort of thing.

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So to me, it is worth the price. I actually pay a slightly higher price because

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I have to add on the nutrition work that I do.

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So I can just share with you if anybody's interested. For me,

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the annual price is $4.08.

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And again, a substantial amount of that is actually the add-on for nutrition.

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So I think it's quite a good deal less for people who are only herbalists.

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Okay. So basically, I decided to buy it because I am more of a rather be safe than sorry person.

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However, I don't have good details

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on what are the risks, what are the possibility that I might be sued.

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One of the other things that I have done is I have hired a lawyer to look over

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my consent forms just to make sure that they're as clear as they could be,

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that they are likely to uphold in court, that people understand what they're

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getting and the risks that they're taking when they work with me.

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And I also try to be really clear with my clients on.

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You know, as much information as I can about what I'm doing and what I'm not

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doing, their choices to take herbs or not take herbs, all of these different types of things.

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So I'm pretty much a cautious person. And for that reason, I think it's better to do this.

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I also have the money coming into my practice to be able to afford that.

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Again, I don't want to make any specific recommendations because I don't know.

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Anybody's individual situation. But what I can say is if you were thinking about

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not getting insurance or if you don't really think this insurance applies to you,

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the things that I would want to do instead would be to first of all,

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make sure that you have a very clear separation between your personal finances

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and your business finances,

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ideally having an LLC or something along those lines if LLC is not what your country does.

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But I would definitely do that so that, you know, if you are being sued because

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of your business stuff, then really you're just your business finances are at

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risk and not your personal is the way I understand that if you set up your LLC correctly.

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So I absolutely do that. And then I would, I do think it makes sense to have

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a lawyer look over your informed consent policy that you are having people sign

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and definitely make sure that you do have that in order to protect yourself as much as possible.

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So anyway, that is my recommendation. It is a lot to think about.

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And like I said, in terms of professional liability, I think it's probably somewhat limited.

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However, to me, the option of the general liability, the business interruption, business property.

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Coverage. To me, that kind of swayed me in the direction of getting it.

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And I actually would be very interested if you or anyone you know has ever had

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to use their professional liability insurance as an herbalist.

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I'd be super curious to talk to that person, even anonymously or off the record,

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so to speak, just to hear more about how that went, what was covered, and so forth.

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So that's not a very definitive answer. And I'm sorry for that.

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However, I think it's a murky gray area and something that you may have to weigh

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against. Like, okay, how many clients do I have?

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What are the chances of something happening?

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And then how devastating and damaging would it be?

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And deciding, do I want to do this now? Do I want to wait until I have a certain

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amount of income coming in where it would not be a, you know,

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where I would be able to afford it more easily?

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Do I want to just put some money away every month as part of my business expenses for this?

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Really thinking it through. Again, for me, I just like to be safe to provide

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as many layers of safety as I can.

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And it seems like a reasonable expense,

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for me at this time. So that's why I have the Alternative Balance one.

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And lastly, to be super clear, I actually just recently switched to Alternative Balance.

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I've only had it for less than a year because up until recently,

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I've been a licensed nutritionist.

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So I had a different insurance that was available for licensed nutritionists.

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They don't have insurance for herbalists.

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So when I let go of my nutrition license earlier this year, I switched insurance

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and chose Alternative Balance.

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So that's what I'm doing now. anyway i hope that helps

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if you have any follow-up questions or additional information that you'd like

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me to add to the pot for people to

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consider please reach out anytime and otherwise i

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hope to be back in touch sooner than has been with another podcast episode all

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right thanks everybody if you would like to stay in touch please go to my website

00:11:34.158 --> 00:11:37.458 newsletter sign up for my newsletter i'll send it out every

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thursday and i will let you know when new podcast episodes come out.

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All right. Take care. Bye.