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Hi there. Welcome to In the Clinic with Camille. My name is Camille Freeman.
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I'm an herbalist and nutritionist.
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And in this podcast, I share little tips and tidbits that might be helpful for other practitioners.
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So today I want to talk about something that's on my mind, given the current
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state of the world, and in particular the current state of this country,
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which is the idea of promoting your work when it feels like there's fires literally
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and metaphorically just everywhere.
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And it seems like your little piece of whatever it is that you do is maybe not
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that important right now.
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And maybe you feel worn down or overwhelmed or busy with other things and it
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just doesn't seem like it's that important or something that you have the energy
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or wherewithal to do right now.
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And I think about this a lot and I talk about this a lot in my one-on-one mentoring
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with people, that when there's a crisis, multiple crises,
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I'm not sure that's a word, in the world, it can almost seem petty or insignificant
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to be like, oh, hey, come work with me as an herbalist or a coach or a nutritionist
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or whatever it is that you do.
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And I just want to talk about that for a little while.
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Because I do think, I truly believe on a very deep level that when people feel
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better in their bodies, that is an important part of global healing.
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That when we feel better.
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When we feel that we are resourced, when we have capacity, that means that we
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are able to do the work in order to make things better.
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And I also know that especially when there's so many chaotic things happening
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around us, the nervous system is hyper-vigilant for a lot of us.
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We're on guard because it feels like things are crumbling around us in all directions
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in many ways, and it's hard to know what's going to happen next.
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When the nervous system is like that, when we're hypervigilant,
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it's almost like a multiplier of whatever else is going on for people.
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So if they previously were having digestive issues, it can just be hyped up
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when the nervous system is like that or mental health issues,
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whatever it is. So it just turns that volume up to be going through something like this.
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And also, when we're in that kind of hypervigilant state, it also makes it harder
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to see objectively what's happening in our own lives. I've had this happen.
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I think I've talked about it on the podcast before, which is,
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you know, sometimes when I'm not doing well, I don't realize that I completely
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forget about the tools that I've spent decades of my life learning about.
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And I need somebody from the outside to say, hey, Camille, don't forget about these things.
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Or have you considered doing X, Y, and Z? I think it might be a really good
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fit for what's going on with you.
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Or to just put things into place so that I understand them more.
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And that's what most of us do. We are those outside eyes for people who can
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say, hey, sounds like this is what's going on.
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Let's see if this is gonna help you feel better.
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And again, when we do that, we resource people so that they have the capacity
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to show up and help make things better.
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Okay, so our work, I think our work is really important in this moment in particular.
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And the reason this is a little bit weird is because most of the people that I work with
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feel really conscious about not trying to capitalize on tragedy or whatever
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terrible circumstances are going on.
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People were not trying to profit from what's happening in Palestine or whatever
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political crisis is happening here, any of that kind of stuff. Yeah.
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People don't want to be seen as making some sort of weird LinkedIn post relating
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your, you know, like, oh, you know, the world's on fire and you need nutrition.
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That's not what most of us want to do. And that's not what I'm promoting here.
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I'm not recommending that you do that.
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But what I am saying, and what I'm hoping you'll walk away from after listening to this,
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is that if we don't show up in spaces where our clients are and remind them
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that we're here and tell them about the type of work we do,
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then they don't know about our work and we aren't actually serving as a resource.
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So I think that now more than ever, people forget things.
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Our minds are cluttered with lots of different situations right now.
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It is not easy to recall in the first place that help is available.
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And it's not easy to recall if it is available, who is that person?
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So it's time for us to show up and be present and visible in spaces where our
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clients are so that we can just stand as a resource for people to find when
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the time is right for them.
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So what might this look like? I'm just gonna give you maybe an idea, a suggestion.
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You don't need to do it this particular way, but some of the things that I would
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be thinking about are, for example, writing a newsletter or a post if you're
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on social media or something,
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and just speak from your heart, speak authentically about what you see happening.
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This may or may not include your political beliefs and views or anything else,
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but just saying, hey, what I see happening in my community right now is this.
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I see that some people are in hyperdrive, doing everything they can to just
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try to push back and make some change about what's happening right now.
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Other people are in overwhelm and shutdown because there's lots of reasons for
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that. And no matter which one of these represents you.
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This is really hard on the nervous system. It's really hard on the body to go
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through what we're going through right now.
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If you are in a place where you need some extra support, that is the kind of work that I do.
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I would love to work with you if that's where you are right now and you need
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some outside eyes to help give
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you a feel for how you can best get through what's facing you right now.
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You know, here's how you can work with me. That's the kind of thing I'm talking about.
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I'm not saying you need X, Y, and Z support or I can make it all better.
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Or anything along those lines, but really just showing up and saying,
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this is something that herbs can help us navigate.
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Or sometimes this is when we need an outside objective perspective to help us
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figure out what are the small changes we can do to get through whatever's coming next.
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Whatever it is, what are the ways that you are available to help your community
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show up and at least tell people that you're available and see if that serves.
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So I hope this is helpful I you know I go through these processes myself in
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my head I'm thinking like you know I have a whole bunch of workshops this month
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about marketing and things like that and I you know part of me is like I mean
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it doesn't even really matter my little corner of the world,
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you know I have one coming up Thursday that's about how to talk about what you
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do and I have one spring dreaming and planning workshop coming up the following
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week and a seasonal allergies workshop coming up, these types of things.
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And I've thought about adding to every single one of them, like,
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seasonal dreaming in these terrible times, seasonal allergies in these terrible
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times. I'm like, that's not very...
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Anyway, I've decided against that. But what I am saying is when I think through
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all of this and how to do this work, I do think it's important.
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I do think that this is a time for us to step up and show people that we're
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available to help them to be examples of taking good care of ourselves as much
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as we can so that we can stay resourced to support other people.
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And even talking about how we've been able to navigate some of this,
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what's really improved for you.
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When you put things into place for yourself, how does it help you?
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Because that may show other people how herbs or nutrition or whatever else it
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is that you do can help them provide some examples based on taking good care of yourself.
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So with all that in mind, I hope that's helpful. I'll be talking about this
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more in the coming weeks and months, I suspect.
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If you have questions or thoughts or anything you'd like for me to hear on this
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topic, I would love to hear from you. you can go to,
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leave me a message there, or you can contact me through that website.
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Also, speaking of the things that I have coming up, if you would like to come
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to a workshop on how to describe what you do, that's happening on Thursday,
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which is, I believe, the 5th. I've got to check on that.
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It's someday, March 6th. It's the 6th, March 6th, from 12 to 1 Eastern Time.
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We're not going to be talking about how to describe what you do on your website,
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which is important but this is more a conversation where this comes up and you're
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at a potluck or a friend's house and they say oh what do you do most of us stumble
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we're like oh i'm you know
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how do you say what you do in a way that makes sense that doesn't turn people
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off and it doesn't make you sound like an absolute weirdo unless that's what
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you're going for we're just going to talk through it what do you say we're going
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to practice saying what we say and saying it out loud that sort of thing.
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You can come for free to the workshop if you share it with somebody else,
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such as on social media or a friend or something like that.
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Or you can just pay $25 if you do
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not want to share it and that's not your thing. That would be great too.
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So I'd love to have you there if that's of interest. And I did mention my seasonal allergies class.
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That's part of our immune system deep dive, which is in March happening on the 10th from 5 to 630.
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And that one has CEUs available.
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We'll be talking more about what causes seasonal allergies, how can we support
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people both during allergy season and leading up to allergy season to really strengthen.
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Both the tissues and to support the immune response prior to allergy season hitting.
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So I'm excited about that. Perhaps you will like to join us for those.
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You can find out about both of them on or in the show notes.
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All right, I will talk to you later. Thank you for listening.