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84 | On Morning Routines

In this episode, I’m answering a question from an upcoming Q&A session: What does my morning routine look like? I give a few details about how I start my day, including the balance between finding time alone and juggling homeschooling, caregiving, and household responsibilities. I find that many morning routines I hear or read about are unrealistic for my particular situation. 

You'll hear about the differences between what I'd like to do and what actually happens most mornings. I also share more about how I've adapted the one the one thing I do pretty much every morning - a daily walk with my dog - into a tiny morning routine of sorts. 

If you’ve struggled to create a morning routine that feels realistic and meaningful, I hope this episode gives you ideas for starting your day in a way that works for you or at least takes away some of the pressure to have an elaborate/extended morning routine. 

Got a question you’d like me to answer in a future episode? Submit it at - I'd love to hear from you. 

Thanks for listening.

I'd love to hear from you. Leave me a voicemail with feedback or submit a question (click the pink "Send Camille a Message" button on the side of the page) 💚

Camille's Helpful Links for Practitioners


00:04 - Morning Routine Insights

02:55 - Balancing Work and Family

06:06 - Finding Joy in Simplicity

07:21 - Engaging with the Community


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Hi there. Welcome to In the Clinic with Camille. My name is Camille Freeman.

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I'm an herbalist and nutritionist, and in this podcast, I share little tips

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and tidbits that might be helpful for other practitioners.

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So today, I wanted to answer a question that was submitted for my upcoming monthly Q&A call.

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This is a call that is open for people who are in a bunch of my different programs,

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and the idea is that people can submit questions about anything that's vaguely

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related to being in practice and, you know, that sort of thing.

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So the question was if I could share a little bit about my morning routine.

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And I was thinking, you know what, it might actually be good to share this more

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broadly because I have some thoughts on the topic that maybe will be helpful for other people.

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So first of all, this is a kind of a sensitive subject for me because I am a morning person.

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I love mornings. I wake up ready

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to go. My brain is super fresh in the morning. It's my best time of day.

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And I know a lot of, you know, businessy productivity types of people are really

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into the morning routine and talking to people about their morning routines.

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And a lot of these people I know have kids, like small kids,

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and they've got these complex morning routines that take at least an hour or two.

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And I'm just like, what in the world?

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Do you have a nanny? Is your spouse or partner just 100% in charge of the children,

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while you do your morning routine?

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Because I tell you what, as soon as anybody in the house is awake,

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especially if you're planning to have some nice quiet time, the first thing

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that happens in our house anyway is that somebody wakes up who's not normally up at that time.

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So anyway, I just feel like there's a lot of.

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Privilege and unrecognized labor that goes into making time available for a

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morning routine that maybe isn't accessible to everyone, and especially those

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who have caregiving responsibilities.

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So I want to answer this question two ways.

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One way is, if I were just living in a little utopia and I didn't have any caregiving

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responsibilities, my day was 100% my own without, you know, other commitments or things like that,

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what I would do would be, I would like to wake up.

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I would like to start preparing my morning tea.

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And while it is steeping, I would like to do a meditation for 10 minutes and

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move my body for 10 minutes, like a stretching or yoga session.

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And then I would like to drink my tea while I journal or write or do something

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creative with my art supplies or something like that. And then I would like to eat breakfast.

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And then I would like to go for a walk with my dog.

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That would be, you know, again, without any outside influence,

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that's what I would be doing in the morning.

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And then maybe I'd come home and putter around and, you know,

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pick things up, clean up a little bit, whatever.

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In reality, in reality, what happens is I have two kids, they're homeschooled, they are here a lot.

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And as soon as they wake up, I'm in sort of like, make everybody breakfast,

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figure out who needs to go to which class and help so-and-so with their homework

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that needs to be done by today and this, that, and the other.

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There's different crises and situations that need to happen.

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And I have work things that I need to do at some point during the day.

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The easiest time for me to do this work things is when the kids are asleep.

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And they usually sleep later than I do.

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So what actually happens is

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I get up and I try to get some work done in those early morning moments.

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If I'm up pretty early, I can usually do some mindfulness practice and move

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my body a little bit and get some work done. But that's not always what happens.

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So anyway, typically I'm doing a little bit of work before breakfast.

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And then as soon as people start getting up and moving around,

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I'm making breakfast for me and whoever is awake.

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The one thing that I do consistently every single morning, rain or shine,

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sleet or snow, So I'm like the USPS over here is walk the dog.

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So instead of trying to be vaguely resentful and irritated that I don't have

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a normal morning routine, I have just shifted to say like, OK,

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the dog walk is my morning routine. That is my morning anchor.

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It does incorporate aspects of moving my body because I live in a very hilly town.

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So, you know, there's a lot of a lot of up and down going on on the dog walk.

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Also a lot of sniffing, but still.

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So I do get to move my body. I do get to go outside and get some fresh air. And that's nice.

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Sometimes I'll listen to a book or a podcast while we're walking.

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But the main thing that I do in order to kind of.

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Set my day up, is there's two things that I do on the walk.

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One of them is that anytime I see anybody, I often walk through a university

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campus that's right near my house.

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And a lot of times, students are on their way to their first class or whatever.

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I don't know what they're doing, actually. They're wandering around campus when

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we're walking. And I see the maintenance people a lot.

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They're out driving around and doing whatever they do.

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So anytime I walk past somebody or see them, I wave, I have a waving relationship

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with the maintenance people.

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I always try to think something nice about them. So I'll think like,

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you look amazing today or day, whatever.

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I just think I try to think something really nice about each person that I see.

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And for me, that just helps my day go better because I feel like I'm just really

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looking at each person I pass and thinking something good about them.

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That helps me feel better. So that's one thing I do. And then the other thing

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I do is that while I'm out walking the dog,

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because I'm picking up his poop anyway i have a bag so i

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try to pick up trash just a couple pieces of trash as i'm wandering around i

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don't live in like a filthy area with trash everywhere but there's always something

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you know water bottle or a whatever so i try to do that and i just feel like

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if i've done nothing else today i've thought some good things about people and i've,

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made the area that i live in just a teeny bit nicer for me and other people.

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And so that's it. That's my entire morning routine. And it works for me.

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There will be a day, someday, maybe in like a decade or something,

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that I can have a more complicated and leisurely morning routine.

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But for right now, my 20 to 30-minute walk with my dog serves the purpose of

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helping me feel like, okay, even if that's the only thing I do all day,

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then I feel like I've done something good and it starts my day off in a way

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that I want it to start off.

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So that's my answer for whatever it's worth.

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I would love to hear about your morning routine or lack thereof if you too feel

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like it's hard to make it happen or maybe you don't have as much consistency,

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different days or different or whatever.

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Maybe there's like a teeny tiny thing like my dog walk where you can just slide

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it in there and feel like it's a ritual that supports you.

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So that's my favorite refrain when working with clients and myself on these

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types of things is like, okay, how can we lower the bar so that it actually

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is doable and serves the purpose,

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which for me, the purpose of a morning routine is I just want to be intentional

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about how I'm approaching the day.

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So there you go. I hope that's helpful.

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Let me know if you have any questions that you would like me to answer here

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on the podcast. You can go to and submit your questions there.

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Or you can go to and sign up for my newsletter,

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which is for practitioners. It goes out every Thursday.

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And when you sign up for that, you'll get an email from me. You can respond

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to that if you like and ask a question for the podcast as well.

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Okay, I hope that was helpful. I will talk to you soon and I hope you have a great day. Bye.