Linnette Johnson (she/her)

Linnette Johnson (she/her) Profile Photo

Doctor of Clinical Nutrition | Certified Nutrition Specialist | Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist | Health and Wellness Coach

I am the founder of 5 Elements Coaching and a Clinical Nutritionist + Coach for mental health. I am passionate about supporting adults with sobriety, depression, and anxiety, along with relieving fatigue, skin issues, and body aches & pains associated with mental health through healthy eating and developing a better relationship with food, mind, and body.

Throughout the years, my business has grown, but my focus has always remained consistent; helping and supporting people through body-positive weight-neutral restorative therapies.

July 11, 2023

64 | The Power of Accountability Groups: Insights from Carolee, Linnette, and Amy

In this episode, I'm joined by Carolee Horner, Linnette Johnson, and Amy Boldt, who share their experiences with forming and attending an accountability group over several years. They highlight the value of accountability gro...