Megan Hamilton

Megan Hamilton Profile Photo

Public Speaker Expert

Megan Hamilton is a speaking, visibility and confidence coach for women and nonbinary people. She used her classical theatre training and 25+ years of performance to build a step by step speaking system that not only allows you to deliver incredible speeches, but also provides you with a framework to have difficult conversations, build your confidence and increase your visibility. She uses shadow work to help you tune in to your intuition and discover the root of what contributes to fear. She's the host of ubu pod and can be found online at She's also a musician, has recorded 5 albums of original music and has toured across Canada from Newfoundland to BC, as well as into the US.

Jan. 25, 2022

35 | How to Stay Calm(er) When You’re Giving a Presentation with Megan Hamilton

In this episode, I interview public speaking expert Megan Hamilton, who shares an easy strategy you can use to stay calm before and during a presentation. Fear of public speaking is incredibly common, and at the same time, pr...